5 Questions with Emma Turpin

Emma Tuprin Jeweller

Emma Tuprin Jeweller

Emma Turpin began her creative path by studying 3 Dimensional design at Hertford Regional College, where she specialised in jewellery. After college Emma Turpin attended Middlesex University where she graduated in 2005 with a BA (Hons) in jewellery. Whilst at University, Emma Turpin began work experience at The Gowan Gallery, where she continues to freelance and sell her ‘Maiden’s Garlands’ collection. We asked her 5 questions:
Where is your studio? My studio is currently in Hertfordshire, but I will soon be relocating to Essex.
Where do you find your inspiration? I draw inspiration from Victorian folk life and craft. Including buildings, interiors and exteriors.
What was the first piece of jewellery you ever made? I made several pieces whilst at college. I think my first ever piece was a silver ring. I then went onto to make a collection of spoons for a project.
Who is/was your favourite jeweller? I do not really have a specific favourite jeweller. There are so many who I admire. I really like Jane Moore’s enamelled work.
If you weren’t a jeweller, what would you be? I’ve always either wanted to be a archeologist or a police woman.
and finally What is your biscuit of choice when enjoying a cup of tea and a think? Oooh thats a hard one, so many biscuits. Probably a BourBon.

Emma Turpin Silver and 22ct Gold Plate Rosette Studs

Emma Turpin Silver and 22ct Gold Plate Rosette Studs

Emma Turpin Silver and 22ct Gold Plate Rosette Pendant

Emma Turpin Silver and 22ct Gold Plate Rosette Pendant

Emma Turpin Silver Rosette Necklace

Emma Turpin Silver Rosette Necklace

You can see more of Emma’s work at: