Show Your Commitment with Rings by James Newman

Rings by James Newman

Rings by James Newman

At Plush Jewellery we’re always looking out for the work of the best jewellery designers in the UK today and we’re proud that we show pieces from a diverse range of talented artisans.

We’ve been showing James Newman’s work for a couple of years now and the jewellery that comes out of his workshop in the historic Jewellery Quarter in Birmingham is incredibly high quality, wonderfully tactile and most importantly, incredibly wearable.

James explores a number of themes in his ever developing work. Notable themes explored include the juxtaposition of textures, sculptural forms and the use of tactile elements.

The rings that make up parts of the Hand Forged, Islet and Icon ranges are stunning and I thought I’d highlight them at this time of year, as spring is beginning to be sprung, sap begins to rise and love may indeed be in the air. They make perfect engagement, wedding and commitment rings as their design, as well as being utterly stunning when worn as individual rings, fit together perfectly to create a stacking effect. If you are out looking for that perfect engagement ring, bear in mind that at some point you’ll be looking for a wedding band to wear with it and that lovely engagement ring might just not sit against any wedding band shape out there.

All of the rings in the image above are available in any metal or combination of metals – including metal of the moment Palladium – in ladies and gents sizes and styles and with a choice of stone that will fulfil your every wish. Don’t fancy a clear diamond? How about a coloured diamond or a sapphire, or a ruby? Stones look too small? How about a bigger one?

Please get in touch if you’d like more information or for a no obligation quote, contact details can be found on our about us page.

The rings shown above start at £175.